Iwan Brioc

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Open Space Technology

Harrison Owen spent a year organising a huge and expensive conference in LA only to read in the feedback that the coffee breaks were the most productive parts. How can a conference be just one long coffee break? he wondered...and Open Space Technology was invented.

It is often the case that the capacities and resources of conference delegates - their hearts and minds, are 'locked in' during conventional auditorium-style conferences. OST liquidates those assets, allowing them to flow where they are led and to network and develop productive dialogue.

From Arts Council Wales's National Participatory Arts Strategy to Community Consultations on the Welsh Language to the Disability Strategy of a Nationa Park I have facilitated several Open Space Technology events lasting from one afternoon to three days.

Here's a simple video to explain how Open Space Technology works.


Co-production is a concept that has great intentions - joint design of services by service users as well as professionals; but it's often the case that processes inhibit open and equal communication. They are also often a bit turgid and sluggish. OST is fluid, fun, exciting, creative and a miracle to behold.

Facilitating OST is a disappearing act, something which is often the hardest thing for facilitators to do. There is sometimes some discomfort because OST can appear chaotic at first. People like the certainty of how things have been done before, no matter how disempowering that can be. I call this a resistance to empowerment and this needs careful facilitation to overcome.