Coming to Our Senses
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Coming to Our Senses

There's a new mindfulness and theatre curriculum on the block. Coming to Our Senses is an 8 week course. Sessions last 90 - 120 minutes a week and involve learning mindfulness practices and trying out some experiential learning processes to deepen the practice.We have completed the first iteration of this new mindfulness and theatre curriculum with Aneurin Bevan University Health Board staff. The project being run by Theatr Cynefin is funded by Arts Council Wales Arts, Health and Wellbeing fund.I've really enjoyed delivering the course and collaborating with Sarah Gregg. Sarah has developed a Journaling for Flow methodology which we have integrated into the course and it is working so well.We will run the second in autumn with and view to compiling a compelling case study. In 2024 we will scope viability to scale up and deliver the course more widely through the NHS. If you think you would be interested in hosting the course more details are available on the site and please feel free to get in touch.

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The Markov Blanket
Latest, mindfulness, theatre Latest, mindfulness, theatre

The Markov Blanket

"Today’s performance takes place on the stage of the Prefrontal Cortex in the Theatre of the Mind. To enter the theatre you need only close your eyes."

The premier of this meditative play took place last week at the Second International Seminar on Performing Arts and Contemplative Practices. Thanks go to Daniel Pla and Grupo Tradere for hosting a rich and moving feast of online workshops, talks and performances last week. Thanks also to Ilana Gorban who provided flawless and flowing simultaneous translation.

This 30 minute spoken-word play explores the performance of the body and the self, and the illusion of the inner and outer using sound clips, guided visualization and mindfulness practices. It would suit any gatherings of seekers into our true nature and can be delivered online as well as in person.

You can now listen to the play below

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Undoing Agency
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Undoing Agency

One of my projects this year is a new initiative called

This is the new online portal through which you can register interest and book places on the various online mindfulness courses I will be delivering.

It's also a place where you can purchase and download guided meditations I've recorded from the curriculum.

Undoing.Agency is a different approach to teaching mindfulness which will help participants develop a practice by giving daily drop-in sessions and which also embraces fully the non-doing and non-dualistic approach to mindfulness.

I'm looking forward, during this time of change and reflection, to support the culture reset and transition to a kinder world.

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Mindfulness Drop-In
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Mindfulness Drop-In

During this time of lockdown and the ongoing isolation that many are experiencing I have been part of a Mindfulness in Action team offering free online meditation sessions at 10.00 am (BST) every morning. My stint is on Thursday mornings and I've really enjoyed exploring mindfulness in its many facets with people using

The sessions are hosted by Mindfulness in Action at

Sessions are free but you can make a donation to Mindfulness in Action here -

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